Faxing & Scanning services are available at the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor. The library only offers domestic, outgoing faxes and cannot accept incoming faxes. To receive faxes please use the services offered by Postnet or UPS. Faxing costs $0.10 per page. Scanning services are provided for free.
Twenty-two public computers on the 2nd floor provide free access to high-speed internet, word processing, and other library resources during the library’s operating hours. We require that all patrons comply with our Internet Policy and not eat at computer workstations. Failure to do so will result in the loss of computer privileges.
Anyone with access to a laptop computer and wireless capabilities may utilize wireless networks both within and outside of the building. The Library's wireless service is provided free of charge and we offer two networks:
Library- unencrypted, no password necessary
Library Secure Public - encrypted, password = ReadBooks
We are often asked if we offer the following items. Unfortunately, these items are not available at the Bud Werner Memorial Library: Projectors (computer, film, or slide), Typewriters
A microfilm/fiche reader is available on the 2nd floor in the Local History room. Files can be saved to a personal USB Flash Drive, uploaded to a personal Google Drive, emailed as attachments, or printed at $0.10/page.
Black & White print and copy services are available at $0.10 per page on the second floor of the library. We accept bills and coins. Color printing/copying is available at $0.50 per page, up to 10 pages maximum per job.