
Twenty-two public computers on the 2nd floor provide free access to high-speed internet, word processing, and other library resources during the library’s operating hours. We require that all patrons comply with our Internet Policy and not eat at computer workstations. Failure to do so will result in the loss of computer privileges.

Making a Reservation

If all public computer terminals are occupied, reservations can be made upstairs beside the printer and public computers at the reservation station using a guest login or library card number. Reservations can also be made upon request by a staff member upstairs at the Reference desk.

Access requires logging in with a library card number or obtaining a free guest number available at the Reference desk upstairs. You must visit the library to reserve a computer; reservations are only accepted same-day and must be made at the library.

Reservation Time Limits

The Library's 2nd floor public computers offer reservations for two-hour periods. If you require more than two hours of time on a 2nd floor public computer terminal, extra time may be granted by notifying a staff member at the Reference Desk. Please provide the number of the computer terminal, located on the lower left corner of the computer monitor. 

Inactivity (no keyboard or mouse input) for 10 minutes will cause the session to close, regardless of session duration or staff overrides. 

Personal Information on Public Computers

The computers are cleaned and rebooted completely after every session. Still, we urge you to log out of your email and other accounts before the end of your session, and never allow the computer to remember your login information. We also encourage you to save your documents to a location other than the public computers because all documents are removed upon ending a session, and they are not retrievable. If you require a flash drive for in-house use, or would like to know about cloud-based storage, please inquire upstairs at the Reference Desk. 

Your credit card information should be safe if you establish a secure connection between the browser and the website asking for credit card information. Look for the universal lock symbol in the lower right-hand corner of the browser window and https in the URL.

Computer Printing Services

Visitors may print documents/images from the library’s public computers or from their personal mobile devices. Cost for black and white printing is $0.10/sheet. Cost for color printing is $0.50/sheet, 10 pages maximum per job.

Wireless Printing via Email

You can send or forward an email with attachments to our print station and print your documents. Compatible formats include .pdf, docx., and .xls. The body of the email will be one print job and each attachment will be a separate print job.

  1. Send or forward an email with attachment(s) to
    • Black Single-Sided =
    • Black Two-Sided =
  2. You will receive a confirmation email indicating that your print job is ready to be released.
  3. At the print station enter your email address (rather than your library card number) to release the documents

Wireless Printing via a Web Portal

  1. Open your browser, and navigate to our wireless printing service (
  2. Select one or two-sided printing
  3. Enter your email address
  4. Browse to the file you would like to print and click the green printer icon
  5. A confirmation screen will be presented to you
  6. At the print station enter your email address (rather than your library card number) to release the documents