Libby, by Overdrive step-by-step: one-time setup instructions for downloading eBooks to a mobile device such as a phone or tablet

Step 1: Download and Set Up the “Libby, by Overdrive” app on Your Device

  1. Navigate to the App store on your device.
  2. Search for "Libby"
  3. Select the free "Libby, by Overdrive" app.
  4. Download or Install app.
    • Note: Apple Devices may require user password to authorize download of application i.e. iTunes password.
  5. Open the Libby, by Overdrive app.
    • Select “yes” to the question, “do you have a Library Card”.
    • Select “I’ll Search for a Library”.
      • Note: If you have already setup Libby on another device, select “Copy From My Other Device” and follow the prompts. You will need your other device to complete this process.
    • Input your library name (“Bud Werner Memorial Library”) or library zip code (80487) and select “Marmot Library Network: Bud Werner Memorial Library”
    • Select “I’ll Mostly Read in Libby”.
    • Select “Sign in With My Library Card”
    • Using the dropdown menu “Select Your Library from the List Below”, Select “All Users (except CMC)”
    • Input BWML Card number (no spaces) in the “Card Number” field.
    • Enter your BWML Password.
  6. Click “Enter The Library”

Step 2: Borrowing and Downloading an eAudiobook

Note: This process of logging in is done twice--once during the initial registration and once for entry into the full catalog. After successfully logging in, your device should remember your library card number for future use.

  1. Search for titles/authors in the search box at the top of the screen. To narrow your search results select the “Preferences” button at the top of the page and filter the “Format” to “Books” . Select “Apply Preferences”
  2. Once you find an available eBook, click on the item image/cover. Make sure you see a small book icon on the item image/cover. There is additional useful information below, including summaries, alternate formats, and narrator.
  3. Select “Borrow”, just below the item image/cover
  4. Confirm by pressing the red “Borrow!”
  5. The eBook will automatically download to your device!

You may click on the item’s cover/image to begin reading the eAudiobook. If you would like to borrow more materials, you can select the “Library” button in the lower left hand corner of your screen.

All borrowed and downloaded items can be found in the Libby, by Overdrive app on your “Shelf”.

Step 3. Returning eBooks

Note: Books return automatically on the due date. There are no overdue fines associated with this collection. If the title is available to renew, the renew option will appear within 3 days of the title’s expiration date.

If you would like to return or renew your ebook, navigate to your “Shelf” and select “Manage Loan”.

You may renew your eBook within 3 days of expiration, as long as no patrons have put it on hold.

You may return your book early by selecting “Return Loan to Library” and pressing the red ”Return!” button.