Step-by-Step, one-time setup to check out and read Flipster eMagazines on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet

Step 1: Download and Set Up the “Flipster” app on Your Device

  1. Navigate to the App store on your device.
  2. Search for "Flipster"
  3. Select the free "Flipster-Digital Magazines" app.
  4. Download or Install app. Note: Apple Devices may require user password to authorize download of application i.e. iTunes password.
  5. "Open" the Flipster app
  6. Click the "Get Started" button.
  7. "Search for a library near you that offers Flipster" by entering your library name (“Bud Werner Memorial Library”) or library zip code (80487) 
  8. Select "Bud Werner Memorial Library, Steamboat Springs" or "Login". The app will display eMagazine covers ranked by popularity.  

Step 2: Borrowing and Downloading a Flipster eMagazine

  1. Search for titles/authors using the magnifying glass in the upper right of the screen, "Explore" the titles in a list. 
  2. Once you have found the desired eMagazine, click on the item image/cover. 
  3. Click the "Download” button. Note: If you would like a back issue of a given title, they are listed below the current cover image and the "Download" button.
  4. The eMagazine will automatically download to your device. 
  5. Click the "Read" button, or press the back arrow in the upper left to "Explore" more titles, or access currently downloaded content from "My Shelf". 

Step 3. Deleting Downloaded eMagazines

  1. Navigate to "My Shelf"
  2. Click the small trash can icon in the lower right of any item's cover display.
  3. Select "Delete" when prompted to "Delete This Issue?"