Sunday, August 2, 2015 (all day)
Library Hall
Bud Werner Memorial Library presents the Yampa Valley with an exceptional community art and cultural program during summer 2015. The Library is honored to host the return of the Drepung Loseling monks as they create a Mandala Sand Painting in Library Hall.
Schedule for Sunday, August 2
10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mandala sand paintingby the Drepung Loseling monks
10 a.m.-6 p.m. Community sand painting
6 p.m. Mandala sand painting concludes. The completed mandala is open for final viewing for one hour before the closing ceremony.
7 p.m. Closing ceremony, including the swishing away of the mandala in Library Hall before walking outside and along the banks of the Yampa River to send the mandala down stream.
Six Tibetan Buddhist monks from Drepung Loseling Monastery return to the Library in order to construct a Mandala Sand Painting over the course of five days. From July 29 through August 2, the Library presents Steamboat Springs residents and visitors an opportunity for a first-hand experience with a rare and beautiful art form that traveled here from the high Himalayas. Working throughout each day, the monks will lay down millions of grains of colorful sand to form an intricate mandala image. The entire process will be open for public viewing.
Mandala Sand Painting is an ancient art form designed to purify and heal the environment and its inhabitants. From all the artistic traditions of Tantric Buddhism, painting with colored sand ranks as one of the most unique and exquisite.
In the Library’s ongoing spirit of inclusiveness, entry into the world-class Mandala Sand Painting exhibit is unrestricted and free of charge – allowing people of all ages and walks of life an opportunity to spend quiet contemplative time to observe and interact with the monks as the piece emerges.A Community Sand Painting will allow attendees of all ages to try their own hand at this ancient art form as well.
During the residency, follow the progress of the Mandala Sand Painting on our Mandala on the Yampa blog.