film poster for Matter of Mind

Thursday, April 10, 2025 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Library Hall

A film & conversation. Three revealing stories about how family dynamics change when a loved one has Alzheimer's disease

Matter of Mind: My Alzheimer’s is an intimate portrayal of three families confronting the unique challenges of Alzheimer’s and how this progressive neurodegenerative disease transforms roles and relationships. Whether it's a partner becoming a caregiver or an adult child shifting into being their parent's caregiver, these stories show how families evolve when a loved one is diagnosed.

After the film, join UC Health Neurology Clinic neurologist Dr. Tracy Vargas and Angel Hoffmann from the Alzheimer's Association for a conversation and Q&A with the community. Everyone is invited and encouraged to participate.

Anna Moot-Levin (Director/Producer), Laura Green (Director/Producer), David Alvarado (Producer), and Jason Sussberg (Writer/Producer). Home Court will premiere on PBS on May 5, 2025.

My Alzheimer's trailer

About Indie Lens Pop-Up

Indie Lens Pop-Up is a neighborhood series that brings people together for film screenings and community-driven conversations. Featuring documentaries seen on PBS's Independent Lens, Indie Lens Pop-Up draws local residents, leaders, and organizations together to discuss what matters most, from newsworthy topics and social issues, to family and community relationships. Make friends, share stories, and join the conversation. For more information, visit