Wildlife Warriors

Wednesday, November 2, 2022 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Library Hall

Winner! Best Series at the 2022 International Wildlife Film Festival ... a three-episode binge with bats, elephants and rhinos

In the heart of the Serengeti, hippos bathe and hyenas snatch food from hungry lions. Rolex National Geographic Explorer of the Year Paula Kahumbu brings this world to life in her documentary series Wildlife Warriors, a nature show made by Kenyans for Kenyans. Through the Wildlife Warriors series the story of East Africa’s conservation heritage and its heroes are finding an audience. Bud Werner Library is screening three 28-minute episodes for a Wildllife Warriors binge that's perfect for the whole family: The Beautiful Bats of Kenya, Making Way for Rhinos, The Royal Elephants of Samburu.

WILD FILMS AT THE LIBRARY is a free series of award-winning international wildlife films selected from the International Wildlife Film Festival. The International Wildlife Film Festival was established in 1977 in Missoula, Montana with a mission to promote awareness, knowledge and understanding of wildlife, habitat, people and nature through excellence in film, television and other media.


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Music and Movement

Every Tuesday at 9:30am

Children's Storytime Room

Bring your little one to stretch, sing, dance & explore music with rhythm instruments!