Step-by-Step, one-time setup instructions to stream or download Hoopla eAudiobooks/Music/Videos/eBooks/Comics on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet

Step 1: Download and Set Up Hoopla Digital App on Your Device

  1. Navigate to the App Store on your mobile device.
  2. Search for “Hoopla Digital” and install.

Step 2: Create a Hoopla Account

  1. Open the App and click “Sign Up.”
  2. Search for and select "Bud Werner Memorial Library".
  3. Enter your email address, a password, and your library card number. Click "Sign Up".

Step 3: Browse/Check Out/Enjoy Titles

  1. Browse for Hoopla titles using the App or the library catalog
  2. When you have found a title you want to check out click “Borrow” below the image of the item.
  3. To Download a title for offline viewing or listening, look for the "Tap Here to Download" button, located below the blue "Play" button.
    • Note: Video files can be quite large so make sure to have a good Internet connection before downloading.
  4. Click the “Play” icon in the center of the graphic.
  5. Borrowed items are located in the "Borrowed" tab on the top of your screen, or in the "My Hoopla" tab at the bottom of your screen. Click on a title to see how many days you have left before it is automatically returned. 

Note: Items return automatically on the due date. There are no overdue fines associated with this service or content. You may check out up to 15 titles through Hoopla per month.