
Sunday, February 17, 2019 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Children's Storytime Room

Bring the kids for a rip-roaring good time as the Uke Jammers sing familiar tunes for a fun family sing-along.

Uke Jammers Family Sing Along

Bring the family for some good, clean fun while the Library's volunteer, all-beginner ukulele club, The Uke Jammers, perform songs you will  know and love. Song sheets will be provided so you can sing along. The set list includes, and is not limited to: Three Little Birds, Lion Sleeps Tonight , Brown Eyed Girl, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Day-O, Ob-La-Di, You Are My Sunshine.  

About the Club

The Steamboat Uke Jammers is a ukulele club of musical enthusiasts who play, or would like to learn to play, the ukulele.  It is not a “class,” but a chance to play songs in order to get better at strumming and chord changing.  The idea is that you learn the chords at home, and try things out during the jam.  Our focus is to HAVE FUN while learning something new, sharing music with each other and socializing. The club is facilitated by Christel Houston.  If you have any questions, please visit our page on this website.

Weekly Meetings

Mondays at 11:30 for an Early Bird Practice session and at noon for the Jamboree.
Fridays at 4:30 pm for the Happy Hour Uke Jam.

Check Out Bud Ukes!

This event celebrates Bud Werner Memorial Library's ukulele loan program. Use your Bud library card to check out a ukulele kit with an instrument, tuner, and CDs and DVDs for DIY lessons...then play away!

The library has lots of inspiring ukulele music, films, teaching materials, song books and more in our collection as well — in both digital and physical formats. Check them out on our ukulele resource page.

Upcoming Events

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Music and Movement

Every Tuesday at 9:30am

Children's Storytime Room

Bring your little one to stretch, sing, dance & explore music with rhythm instruments!