Break the Mold

Thursday, February 29, 2024 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Library Hall

Everyone needs a dream to chase. After graduating from high school, an autistic young man challenges himself to run a 100-mile race.

A featured event with Yampa Valley Autism  as part of the ONE BOOK STEAMBOAT community read.

Nineteen-year-old Zach Bates told his mother at graduation that he wanted to run a 100-mile ultramarathon before his 20th birthday. Surprised, she reminded him that his farthest cross-country race had only been 5k. Undeterred, he continued to speak his mind and vision to run a 100-mile race before he turned 20. Seeing his determination and knowing her son's unique ability to deeply focus -- due to autism -- she decided to let him chase his dream. Follow the journey as Zach trains and prepares to run his first 100-mile ultramarathon at the Coldwater Rumble in Goodyear, AZ.

Yampa Valley Autism will lead a short panel discussion and Q&A after the screening, including one local parent's perspective having a son on the spectrum and the challenges he faces competing in running and mountain biking. 

About the filmmaker

Award winning filmmaker, Travis Holt Hamilton, heard about the story through a newspaper article in the White Mountain Independent shortly after Zach's 50-mile win. "My wife told me I needed to read an article. I did and immediately contacted Rana, Zach's mother, via social media. A few days later we were on our way to share his story with the world", stated Hamilton. Our goal is to shares Zach's passion, drive and determination to Break the Mold  that holds so many back from accomplishing great things. Zach's story will inspire all to not let circumstances, or things you cannot change, stop you from dreaming big and putting in the work to make it reality. 


One Book Steamboat

This is a featured event to enhance the ONE BOOK STEAMBOAT community reading of Sara Novic's novel True Biz and the Yampa Valley's growth, understanding and inclusion of all disabilities.

Upcoming Events

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Library Hall

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Library Hall

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