Storming Caesars Palace

Indie Lens Pop-Up ~ Storming Caesars Palace

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm
  • Library Hall
How Vegas activist Ruby Duncan's grassroots movement of moms fought for basic income guarantee.

The  2022/'23 Indie Lens season of films and community conversation continues!

After losing her job as a hotel worker in Las Vegas, Ruby Duncan joined a welfare rights group of mothers who defied notions of the “welfare queen.” In a fight for guaranteed income, Ruby and other equality activists took on the Nevada mob in organizing a massive protest that shut down Caesars Palace.

Storming Caesars Palace will premiere on PBS on March 20, 2023.

About Indie Lens Pop-Up

Indie Lens Pop-Up is a neighborhood series that brings people together for film screenings and community-driven conversations. Featuring documentaries seen on PBS's Independent Lens, Indie Lens Pop-Up draws local residents, leaders, and organizations together to discuss what matters most, from newsworthy topics and social issues, to family and community relationships. Make friends, share stories, and join the conversation. For more information, visit