Chris Murphy

Personal Security in the Computer Age

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm
  • Library Hall
Just in time for Halloween, a fun and interactive, yet scary, presentation brings awareness to cyber threats happening right now.

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

This presentation is not about the nation state or ransomware assaults that continually make headlines; it's about threats to your data, device and privacy that are occurring as you read this. Learn from Cybersecurity Engineer Chris Murphy about how your devices get hacked. Using publicly available “tools of the trade” during his presentation, you will witness first-hand the vulnerabilities and ongoing attacks happening all over the world. Routt County residents are not immune. A thought-provoking discussion regarding privacy in the digital age will highlight and explain the need to take action to better protect what is uniquely valuable to each participant. 

This free community talk is an introduction for an upcoming “Lunch and Learn” series presented by Colorado Mountain College that will specifically address how to decrease electronic risks. Three CMC classes will be offered during the spring semester focusing on basic and advanced cyber defense for home and small business users, as well as a class on electronic privacy. Learn more about the CMC classes and register here.

Registration is open for these non-credit classes at CMC. A CMC representative will be on hand at the Library talk to answer questions and help with enrollment for the following classes:

  • Home/Small Business Cyber Protection — Basics:  Feb. 10, 2023
  • Home/Small Business Cyber Protection — Advanced: Feb. 17, 2023
  • Privacy Protection in a Connected World: Feb. 24, 2023

About the speaker

Chris Murphy, CISSP, is a Cybersecurity Engineer with over 35 years experience in Computer Engineering and Cyber Security.  He worked for Hughes Aircraft and Raytheon, supporting multiple government customers in the development and delivery of satellite ground systems.  While currently retired from the corporate life, Murphy continues to actively support cyber protection efforts for critical infrastructure, serving as a member of the FBI’s Infragard Alliance, as well as a continued provider for small business and individual users.   Murphy has presented and trained in multiple international and local venues.  Having recently moved to North Routt in 2021, Chris is looking forward to being able to support the community in increasing their cyber awareness.