Erika Bolstad

Library Author Series: Erika Bolstad

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 - 7:00pm
  • Library Hall
An evening with the Pulitzer-nominated journalist sharing her new book WINDFALL: The Prairie Woman Who Lost Her Way and the Great-Granddaughter Who Found Her

Beneath the windswept North Dakota plains, riches await…


At first, Erika Bolstad knew only one thing about her great-grandmother, Anna: she was a homesteader on the North Dakota prairies in the early 1900s before her husband committed her to an asylum under mysterious circumstances. As Erika’s mother was dying, she revealed more. Their family still owned the mineral rights to Anna’s land—and oil companies were interested in the black gold beneath the prairies. Their family, Erika learned, could get rich thanks to the legacy of a woman nearly lost to history.

Anna left no letters or journals, and very few photographs of her had survived. But Erika was drawn to the young woman who never walked free of the asylum that imprisoned her. As a journalist well versed in the effects of fossil fuels on climate change, Erika felt the dissonance of what she knew and the barely-acknowledged whisper that had followed her family across the Great Plains for generations: we could be rich. Desperate to learn more about her great-grandmother and the oil industry that changed the face of the American West forever, Erika set out for North Dakota to unearth what she could of the past. What she discovers is a land of boom-and-bust cycles and families trying their best to eke out a living in an unforgiving landscape, bringing to life the ever-present American question: What does it mean to be rich? 

About the Author

Erika Bolstad is a journalist and filmmaker in Portland, Oregon, and the author of Windfall. Erika spent a decade in Washington, D.C., covering politics and environmental issues for Climatewire and the McClatchy Washington Bureau. In 2008, she was a Pulitzer finalist for work at the Idaho Statesman. She was also a staff writer for the Miami Herald, where she covered Hurricane Katrina and other national stories. As a journalist, she has traveled from Alaska to Miami to tell stories about the effects of climate change. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Scientific American and many other publications.

Borrow Windfall from Bud Werner Memorial Library.

Buy Windfall from Steamboat Springs' independent bookstore, Off the Beaten Path.

Library Author Series

Bud Werner Memorial Library presents an ongoing program of free author talks throughout the year. A diverse range of award-winning authors continues to speak about their literary works and their writing processes. Each talk is followed by a Q&A, and books are available for sale courtesy of Off the Beaten Path Bookstore.