Tuesday, March 26, 2024 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Library Hall
The Blackfoot Challenge
Nearly three decades has gone into creating a conservation anomaly in western Montana. The Blackfoot Challenge is a national model of creating working landscapes that emphasize conservation and co-existence. This short films tells their story and provides a recipe for hope in our divided country.
Gardening Marine Forests
What if people could be the secret to transforming ocean deserts into rich forests filled with an abundance of life? In Korea, a hundred-year-old guild of female free divers use the latest techniques to manage kelp forests and pass that knowledge down to new generations.
Follow a single drop of water from its starting point atop the Continental Divide to its final destination in the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, meet individuals like fly-fishing guide Hilary Hutcheson, who has tracked the impact of global warming on Montana rivers for 20 years.
WILD FILMS AT THE LIBRARY is a free series of award-winning international wildlife films selected from the International Wildlife Film Festival. The International Wildlife Film Festival was established in 1977 in Missoula, Montana with a mission to promote awareness, knowledge and understanding of wildlife, habitat, people and nature through excellence in film, television and other media.