Why We Love Cranes
- Library Hall
Paul Tebbel combines stories and information learned from almost 50 years of studying and watching Sandhill Cranes. Learn about breeding and migration, plus some of the really cool crane behaviors which make them fun to watch. This program has something for all manner of cranewatchers. Whether it is your first time seeing cranes or an annual ritual – you’ll learn something new.
About the Speaker
Paul Tebbel is a true “craniac.” For the last 45 years he has spent as much time as possible around cranes. He did his undergraduate and graduate work on cranes in the northern Midwest in the 1970s and spent 11 years as director of Audubon’s Rowe Sanctuary, location of the greatest concentration of cranes in the world every spring. Beginning in 1995, Paul started giving presentations on cranes, with a focus on their behavior. When he wasn’t enjoying cranes, Paul worked for Patagonia or managed non-profit organizations. He happily retired from full-time work in 2018 and currently lives with his forever mate on seven acres of woods in northern California.
About the Yampa Valley Crane Festival: Aug. 29 — Sept. 1, 2024
The Greater Sandhill Crane is an iconic species of the Yampa Valley. Returning in the spring, cranes nest and raise their young in wetland areas throughout the valley. In late summer and early fall, hundreds of cranes from the Rocky Mountain flock join the local birds to rest and feed before continuing their journey south. The Yampa Valley Crane Festival celebrates these iconic birds with daily crane viewings, expert speakers, films, art exhibits, workshops, family activities and more. Bud Werner Memorial Library is festival headquarters and the venue for many of these talks, films and events. Learn more about the 13th annual Yampa Valley Crane Festival.