Borrower's Privileges & Responsibilities
A guide to library borrowing privileges and responsibilities.
Borrowing Privileges
- Download ebooks, eAudio, eMagazines and streaming movies
- Assistance downloading eContent to your to your personal device.
- Search research databases
- Genealogy research assistance
- Courtesy text messaging or email service is available to notify you before items are due (and more).
- Borrow from an extensive collection of books, DVD’s, CD’s, magazines, online materials and newspapers.
- Place holds on (request) materials in the online catalog
- Borrow State Park backpacks
- Borrow Book Club Kits
- Borrow Ukuleles
- Expert assistance available for all library services
Borrower's Responsibilities
- The return, in good condition, of all materials borrowed
- Payment of fines incurred for any damaged or lost materials
- Reimburse the library for replacement costs and/or processing fees of lost, stolen or damaged materials checked out on their library card.
- Reminders to borrowers regarding overdue materials is a courtesy service. Failure to receive such a reminder does not exempt a borrower from replacement charges.
- Keep the library up to date with your current contact information
- Parents and/or guardians are responsible for materials borrowed on a child's card.
- Renew your library card annually
- Return items in a timely fashion.