Text Messaging Commands

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Send all below messages to 844-225-9488

TEST:  Test your connection to the service.

HELP: Get help with a command.  E.g., type HELP FEES to get help with that command.

MYBOOKS: Inquire about the status of all of your library items.

IOWEU: Get a list of fines and fees for all registered barcodes.

RHL: Get a list of holds expiring soon.

HL: Get a list of holds that are ready to pick up.

OA: The service will attempt to renew all overdue items and will reply with a list of items that were successfully and unsuccessfully renewed.

OL: Generates a numbered list of all overdue items eligible for renewal.

RA: The service will attempt to renew all items and will reply with a list of items that were successfully and unsuccessfully renewed.

RI: Get a list of items that are coming due and that cannot be renewed.

RL: Generates a numbered list of renewable items. 

MYCARDS: Generates a numbered list of the barcodes currently registered to your phone.

ADDCARD: This will add a barcode registered to your phone for notices.

DROPCARD: To remove a card from your phone for notices.

SWITCHPHONE: Update your phone number or mobile service provider (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, etc). 

RESEND: Receive last message again.