1. Mission Statement

East Routt Library District dba Bud Werner Memorial Library (“Library”) offers collections intended to further the Library's mission: Promoting Enrichment, Education and Escape for Everyone.

2. Purpose of the Collection Policy

The Collection Policy, approved by the East Routt Library District Board of Trustees, outlines the philosophies that create and shape the Library’s unique collection, the practices that maintain it over time and the guidelines that help the collection respond to community needs while protecting the collection from societal and political pressures. It ensures that the collection at Bud Werner Memorial Library aligns with the Library’s vision that all community members are curious, connected and intellectually thriving.

3. Philosophy and Scope of Collection

Bud Werner Memorial Library seeks to make available a rich collection of books, audio and video recordings, periodicals and other library materials in a variety of formats, both print and digital, to meet the varied interests and needs of the members of the community.

Inherent in our collection philosophy is an appreciation for each patron of the Library. The Library provides materials to support each individual’s journey, and does not place a value on one individual’s needs or preferences over another’s. The Library upholds the right of the individual to access information, even though the content may be controversial, unorthodox or unacceptable to others.

The Library upholds the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read and Freedom to View Statements.

4. Collection Responsibility

The Library Director is responsible for administering the Collection Policy.  Selection and other collection management duties will be assigned by the Library Director to librarians and to other staff as deemed appropriate to meet collection management goals and objectives.

5. Selection Criteria

Collection development staff use their training, knowledge and expertise along with the following general criteria to select materials for the collection:

  • Relevance to interests and needs of the community
  • Extent of publicity, critical review and current or anticipated demand
  • Current or historical significance of the author or subject
  • Relevance to the existing collection’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Reputation and qualifications of the author, publisher or producer, with preference generally given to titles vetted in the editing and publishing industry
  • Suitability of format to Library circulation and use
  • Date of publication
  • Price, availability and Library materials budget
  • Online resources are also evaluated based on accessibility and the availability of library licensing

6. Recommendations

Library patrons may request items the Library does not own. Each request is reviewed for inclusion in the collection using the selection criteria.

7. Deselection of Library Materials

The Library’s collection is a living, changing entity. As items are added, others are reviewed for their ongoing value and sometimes withdrawn from the collection. Great care is taken to retain or replace items that have enduring value to the community.  Staff review the collection regularly to maintain its vitality and usefulness to the community.

The criteria for withdrawing materials are:

  • Physical condition: item is worn or damaged
  • Duplicate copies in excess of demand
  • Newer edition exists
  • Content presented is outdated/inaccurate
  • No longer of interest or demand in the community
  • Format is dated or the content is much more accessible in an alternative format
  • Available elsewhere including other libraries and online

8. Gifts

Bud Werner Memorial Library welcomes gifts of books and other materials.  Gifts are accepted by the Library with the following provisions:

  1. Upon acceptance, all gifts and donations become the exclusive property of East Routt Library District.
  2. All gift materials are evaluated for their usefulness for the Library’s collection using the same selection criteria or guidelines that apply to all collection acquisitions. Gift items are not automatically added to the collection.  If materials are deemed to be inappropriate for the Library’s collection, they may be given to another library or nonprofit organization, or designated for resale.
  3. If added to the collection, donated materials shall not necessarily be housed or placed in a special collection or location.
  4. If requested, the Library will give the donor a receipt specifying the number of items donated with the understanding that the Library does not assign monetary value to the donated items.

9. Reconsideration of Library Materials

Any community member has the right to request reconsideration of materials in the Library’s collection. Appeals to this policy or reconsideration of a display may be submitted via the Request for Reconsideration of Library Collections, Displays or Programs form.

~Adopted April 20, 2023