Sunday, Feb. 26 2017
Finding Peace in Nature
A snow drawing on TNC's Carpenter Ranch
About 40 volunteer artists met at the historic Carpenter Ranch in Hayden to create a community snow drawing on The Nature Conservancy's conserved haymeadow next to the Yampa River. The theme for this installation was "Finding Peace in Nature," and artists walked their own spirals, swirls and snowshoe-fueled embellishments to the landscape surrounding a giant peace sign that artists placed in the center of the community's design.

Volunteer artists started this snow drawing in the morning and worked throughout a bluebird day.

During the day, two drone pilots, Justin Hirsch and Gustavo Lozada, filmed the artists' work, capturing the process and the final installation in these videos.
Our drone pilot photographers also stitched together some beautiful overviews of the entire snow drawing. (Hint: If you click on the photo, it will open up larger so you can see more detail.)

The 2017 Community Snow Drawing was sponsored by The Nature Conservancy's Carpenter Ranch & Bud Werner Memorial Library.