1. Mission Statement

East Routt Library District dba Bud Werner Memorial Library (“Library”) offers collections, programs and displays intended to further the Library's mission: Promoting Enrichment, Education and Escape for Everyone.

2. Purpose

The Reconsideration Policy, approved by the East Routt Library District Board of Trustees, outlines our philosophy and guidelines as it pertains to library collections, programs and displays (referred to hereafter as “library resources”).  As a living document, it assures that resources at Bud Werner Memorial Library align with the Library’s vision that all community members are curious, connected and intellectually thriving.

3. Philosophy

In keeping with our mission, Library staff develop library resources that provide information, learning, and entertainment.

The East Routt Library District Board of Trustees has delegated the responsibility for selection and evaluation of library resources to the Director who, in turn, appoints professional staff to carry out day-to-day curation of the library’s collection, creating displays, and developing programs.

The Library recognizes that library patrons possess widely diverse and separate interests, backgrounds, cultural heritages, social values, and informational needs. Library resources support the library's mission and service priorities, within budget and space limitations, to serve the needs of all individuals. Selection of library resources does not express or imply endorsement of the views, language or lifestyles portrayed in the material.

The Library upholds the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, providing library resources for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community while avoiding exclusion of library resources due to the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. Library resources are based on the merits of the material in relation to the development of resources that serve the needs and interests of a diverse population.

The Library supports the right of each patron to decide which items are appropriate for their personal use. Language, situations, or subjects which may be offensive to some patrons do not disqualify a library resource which, in its entirety, is judged to be of value. The Library upholds the freedom to read and view materials as a purely individual matter. Patrons may decline use of library resources of which they do not approve. Patrons may not exercise censorship to restrict the freedom of others to obtain such resources.

The Library maintains that only parents and guardians have the right and the responsibility to determine their minor children’s — and only their children’s — access to library resources. The Library does not restrict any patron’s freedom to read, view or listen to library resources, including both children and adults.

The Library welcomes comments and suggestions on library resources from members of the community.  Suggestions are considered based on guidelines established in the Collection Policy, Programing Policy and Display Policy.  An individual requesting reconsideration of any library resources must be a library district property tax payer, or resident within the library district for at least six consecutive months and complete and sign a Request for Reconsideration of Library Collections, Displays or Programs form. A taxpayer or resident may only make one request for reconsideration per month.

4. Reconsideration Process

Upon receipt of a completed request for reconsideration form, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. The Library Director, in consultation with staff, will review the request and provide a written reply within 30 days. The library resource in question will continue to be available to the public during the reconsideration process.
  2. The Library Director will send a written response to the individual(s) requesting reconsideration, giving staff’s decision and the reasons for the decision.
  3. Should the individual(s) requesting reconsideration be dissatisfied with the committee’s decision, a written appeal may be made to the Board of Trustees.
  4. The district will not reconsider the same challenged resource more frequently than once every 5 years.

~Adopted July 18, 2024