Name * Phone Number * What is your primary phone number. Email Address * Date of Birth * Physical Address * Number of years residing in the East Routt Library District * Library district boundaries are the same as the Steamboat Springs School district boundaries. Occupation * Company * Current/Former community activities * (school groups, neighborhood events, service clubs, non-profits, other boards and commissions) Other skills, achievements, etc. * Please explain why you are interested in serving on the ERLD Board. * If selected, how do you feel you could contribute to the success of the ERLD Board? * What experience or skills would you bring to the ERLD Board? * Please explain what you think is the Bud Werner Memorial Library’s most important role(s) within the community. * ERLD Board Members remain active and engaged through meeting attendance (regular monthly meetings and special meetings), email, and committee work. Do you have the time and resources to be an active ERLD Board Member? * Leave this field blank